With a one-hour cerem­o­ny the new inte­rim venue of the Main­fran­ken Thea­ter Würz­burg was ope­ned on Octo­ber 1st: the Thea­ter­fa­brik Blaue Hal­le on the pre­mi­ses of va-Q-tec AG in the Dürrbachau.
The fes­ti­vi­ties were ope­ned by Ilia Papandreou as guest star of the evening, to which repre­sen­ta­ti­ves from poli­tics and eco­no­my as well as fri­ends and spon­sors of the Main­fran­ken Theat­re were invi­ted. She sang the famous aria of Eli­sa­beth from Wagner’s Tann­häu­ser, accom­pa­nied on pia­no by pia­nist Sil­via Vass­al­lo Paleo­lo­go. With a wink, Ilia Papandreou paid homage to the spe­cial spi­rit of the place by into­n­ing the first lines in the text ver­si­on “Dich, Blaue Hal­le, grüß’ ich wieder”.
Ilia Papandreou’s last guest appearance at the Main­fran­ken Theat­re was in 2019, whe­re she made her acclai­med Ari­ad­ne debut in Domi­ni­que Hor­witz’ pro­duc­tion of Ari­ad­ne auf Naxos.