Sin­ce her ear­ly debuts as Leo­no­re (Fide­lio) and as Mar­schal­lin (Der Rosen­ka­va­lier), Ilia Papandreou has been one of the most ver­sa­ti­le sopra­nos of her gene­ra­ti­on in the youthful-dra­ma­tic field and has appeared in over 45 pre­mie­res in lea­ding roles. In 2020 she will be a guest at the Musik­thea­ter im Revier Gel­sen­kir­chen (Madame But­ter­fly) and for the first time at the Staats­thea­ter Nürnberg.

Guest per­for­man­ces led Ilia Papandreou most recent­ly as Primadonna/Ariadne (Ari­ad­ne auf Naxos) to the Main­fran­ken Thea­ter Würz­burg as well as Doro­ta (Schwan­da der Dudel­pfei­fer) to the Musik­thea­ter im Revier Gel­sen­kir­chen, fur­ther to the WDR Funk­haus­or­ches­ter Köln and the Thes­sa­lo­ni­ki Sta­te Sym­pho­ny Orches­tra, to the Anhal­ti­sches Thea­ter Des­sau (Yaros­lav­na in Prin­ce Igor), to the Opé­ra de Nice (Liù) as well as repea­ted­ly to St. Gal­len. In 2016 she appeared as Eva in Wagner’s Die Meis­ter­sin­ger von Nürn­bergat the Deut­sches Natio­nal­thea­ter Wei­mar; with this role she was also enga­ged at short noti­ce in Febru­ary 2017 at La Sca­la in Milan (musi­cal direc­tor: Danie­le Gat­ti). In Janu­ary 2017 she was the cele­bra­ted Mar­ta in Miec­zysław Weinberg’s The Pas­sen­gerat the Musik­thea­ter im Revier Gel­sen­kir­chen and short­ly after­wards made her debut at the Pra­gue Natio­nal Ope­ra as the prot­ago­nist in Tchaikovsky’s Iolan­ta. In Octo­ber 2017 she sho­ne along­side actor Domi­ni­que Hor­witz in his revue Reform­haus Lut­ter, and one month later she retur­ned to the Thea­ter Erfurt as a cele­bra­ted guest with the title role from Cherubini’s Medea.

Her exten­si­ve reper­toire ran­ges from Mozart (Elet­tra, Cont­essa, Vitel­lia) and Che­ru­bi­ni (Medea) to the roman­tic reper­toire (Aga­the, Anto­nia, Rusal­ka) to Ver­di (Ame­lia, Eli­sa­bet­ta, Des­de­mo­na) and Puc­ci­ni (Mimì, Cio-Cio-San, Liù), from the Tchai­kovs­ky hero­i­nes Agnès Sor­el­le (Jean­ne d’Arc), Tatya­na (Euge­ne One­gin), Nasta­sia (The Sorcer­ess) and Iolan­ta to Man­fred Gurlit’s Nana and Fla­vio Tes­tis Maria­na Pine­da (world pre­mie­re). In the french reper­toire she made high­ly acclai­med debuts as Ali­ce (Robert le dia­ble), Mar­gue­ri­te (Faust) as well as Bru­nehild in the Ger­man pre­mie­re of Ernest Rey­ers Sigurd, and in 2014 as Maria in Ter­rence McNally’s Mas­ter Class in a purely acting role.

Ilia Papandreou regu­lar­ly works with direc­tors such as Feder­i­co Grazzini, Jean-Lou­is Grin­da, Tat­ja­na Gür­ba­ca, Domi­ni­que Hor­witz, Guy Mon­ta­von, Vera Nemi­ro­va, Ste­fa­no Poda, Gabrie­le Rech, Micha­el Schulz and Katha­ri­na Thal­bach as well as con­duc­tors such as Ras­mus Bau­mann, Man­lio Ben­zi, Roland Böer, Kirill Kara­bitz, Joa­na Mall­witz and Joel Revzen.

The Lon­don-born Greek Ilia Papandreou recei­ved her musi­cal edu­ca­ti­on in Bos­ton (USA), Frank­furt am Main (Ger­ma­ny) and Athens (Greece), and atten­ded mas­ter clas­ses with Monts­er­rat Cabal­lé. Her first enga­ge­ment led her to the Thea­ter Erfurt, and sin­ce 2015 she has been working as a free­lan­cer. In 2014 she was nomi­na­ted “Sin­ger of the Year” for her Des­de­mo­na by the ope­ra jour­nal Opern­welt.



Sin­ce her ear­ly debuts as Leo­no­re (Fide­lio) and as Mar­schal­lin (Der Rosen­ka­va­lier), Ilia Papandreou has been one of the most ver­sa­ti­le sopra­nos of her gene­ra­ti­on in the youthful-dra­ma­tic field and has appeared in over 45 pre­mie­res in lea­ding roles. In 2020 she will be a guest at the Musik­thea­ter im Revier Gel­sen­kir­chen (Madame But­ter­fly) and for the first time at the Staats­thea­ter Nürnberg.

Guest per­for­man­ces led Ilia Papandreou most recent­ly as Primadonna/Ariadne (Ari­ad­ne auf Naxos) to the Main­fran­ken Thea­ter Würz­burg as well as Doro­ta (Schwan­da der Dudel­pfei­fer) to the Musik­thea­ter im Revier Gel­sen­kir­chen, fur­ther to the WDR Funk­haus­or­ches­ter Köln and the Thes­sa­lo­ni­ki Sta­te Sym­pho­ny Orches­tra, to the Anhal­ti­sches Thea­ter Des­sau (Yaros­lav­na in Prin­ce Igor), to the Opé­ra de Nice (Liù) as well as repea­ted­ly to St. Gal­len. In 2016 she appeared as Eva in Wagner’s Die Meis­ter­sin­ger von Nürn­bergat the Deut­sches Natio­nal­thea­ter Wei­mar; with this role she was also enga­ged at short noti­ce in Febru­ary 2017 at La Sca­la in Milan (musi­cal direc­tor: Danie­le Gat­ti). In Janu­ary 2017 she was the cele­bra­ted Mar­ta in Miec­zysław Weinberg’s The Pas­sen­gerat the Musik­thea­ter im Revier Gel­sen­kir­chen and short­ly after­wards made her debut at the Pra­gue Natio­nal Ope­ra as the prot­ago­nist in Tchaikovsky’s Iolan­ta. In Octo­ber 2017 she sho­ne along­side actor Domi­ni­que Hor­witz in his revue Reform­haus Lut­ter, and one month later she retur­ned to the Thea­ter Erfurt as a cele­bra­ted guest with the title role from Cherubini’s Medea.

Her exten­si­ve reper­toire ran­ges from Mozart (Elet­tra, Cont­essa, Vitel­lia) and Che­ru­bi­ni (Medea) to the roman­tic reper­toire (Aga­the, Anto­nia, Rusal­ka) to Ver­di (Ame­lia, Eli­sa­bet­ta, Des­de­mo­na) and Puc­ci­ni (Mimì, Cio-Cio-San, Liù), from the Tchai­kovs­ky hero­i­nes Agnès Sor­el­le (Jean­ne d’Arc), Tatya­na (Euge­ne One­gin), Nasta­sia (The Sorcer­ess) and Iolan­ta to Man­fred Gurlit’s Nana and Fla­vio Tes­tis Maria­na Pine­da (world pre­mie­re). In the french reper­toire she made high­ly acclai­med debuts as Ali­ce (Robert le dia­ble), Mar­gue­ri­te (Faust) as well as Bru­nehild in the Ger­man pre­mie­re of Ernest Rey­ers Sigurd, and in 2014 as Maria in Ter­rence McNally’s Mas­ter Class in a purely acting role.

Ilia Papandreou regu­lar­ly works with direc­tors such as Feder­i­co Grazzini, Jean-Lou­is Grin­da, Tat­ja­na Gür­ba­ca, Domi­ni­que Hor­witz, Guy Mon­ta­von, Vera Nemi­ro­va, Ste­fa­no Poda, Gabrie­le Rech, Micha­el Schulz and Katha­ri­na Thal­bach as well as con­duc­tors such as Ras­mus Bau­mann, Man­lio Ben­zi, Roland Böer, Kirill Kara­bitz, Joa­na Mall­witz and Joel Revzen.

The Lon­don-born Greek Ilia Papandreou recei­ved her musi­cal edu­ca­ti­on in Bos­ton (USA), Frank­furt am Main (Ger­ma­ny) and Athens (Greece), and atten­ded mas­ter clas­ses with Monts­er­rat Cabal­lé. Her first enga­ge­ment led her to the Thea­ter Erfurt, and sin­ce 2015 she has been working as a free­lan­cer. In 2014 she was nomi­na­ted “Sin­ger of the Year” for her Des­de­mo­na by the ope­ra jour­nal Opern­welt.
